Class 13

Class 12: Presentation Day Workshop 2

The student(s) worked hard by learning about presenting for this class. 

Presentation Information not on the guidelines:

1. Each presentation should be about eight minutes and two minutes for question and comment time. 

2. There are usually 14 to 16 slides in your PowerPoint slide show. 

3. Each image you use should mention what website (not the URL, but the name) you got your content to credit them. 

Homework due by email before Class 14 on Friday by 4 PM (Paper) and Sunday 4 PM (PowerPoint presentation draft):

1. Please prepare for your slideshow presentation on 02/01/2021 or 02/03/2021. The guidelines you also received in class for assessment are attached at the bottom of this web page :). As best you can, design your slides for PowerPoint, based on the feedback from your paper. Make sure that you have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. If you have time, continue to make your slideshow draft on your computer, and we can work on it in class. You are trying to get all of your slideshow's content, but you do not need to have all of your images at design finished. It is best to do as much as you can.  

2. If you are late with your final midterm papers, you need to finish them to make a presentation. 

Please send your paper as soon as possible if you would like to pass the class. 

Do the SAVE process for your final draft before emailing your final paper!

S = Stacey -Ask her anything you need to write a successful paper.

E = Check all Explanations on all documents and this website for your paper's success. 

Could you please type your name, draft number, ESP1a class name, date, the like this: ESP1a_Final Draft_'Your Name.'

1. Using your ideas from your notes on your readings and presentation, write the 2nd draft of your essay with an abstract, introduction, literature review, discussion/summary, conclusion, and references.

 Please remember to follow:

    A). A very quick guide APA Style formatting sent via Risyu messages due to my computer memory. 

    B). the organization of an essay with topic sentences that support each paragraph based on what you learned in class in sessions 08, 09, and 10.

2. Your paper needs to be typed with double-spaced lines, at least three pages, and a minimum of 800 words (cover page, introduction, literature review).

Please use the word count on your PC or Mac, and type the word count number at the end of your paper before the reference section like this:

3. Finally, 200 points on FreeRice!!