
Class 13: Presentation Day Workshop 1

The student(s) worked hard by rehearsing their presentation with the projector to work on timing and areas to improve the presentation.

Presentation Information not on the guidelines:

1. Each presentation should be about eight minutes and two minutes for question and comment time. 

2. There are usually 14 to 16 slides in your PowerPoint slide show. 

3. Each image you use should mention what website (not the URL, but the name) you got your content to give credit. 

Homework due by email before Class 14 on Tuesday 11/10/2020 at 7 PM:

1. Please prepare for your slideshow presentation on 11/16/2020 or 11/18/2020. The guidelines that you also received in class for assessment are attached at the bottom of this web page :). As best you can, design your slides for PowerPoint, based on the feedback from your paper. Make sure that you have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Then if you have time, continue to make your slideshow draft on your computer, and we can work on it in class. You are trying to get all of the content of your slideshow, but you do not need to have all of your images at design finished. It is best to do as much as you can.  

2. Option to complete a self-study entry in your 4-skills logs if you are not finished with this assignment. The entry should be one hour in length or longer, and please answer the questions completely:

Which day, which practice task, and how long?  Reflections: What did you do? How long for? What did you notice? How did you feel? New speaking or listening goals? The four-skills logs are due on Tuesday, 11/17/2020 at 3 PM, so I can check all of your hours before the end of class on 11/18/2020.

Stacey Vye,
Oct 30, 2020, 8:45 AM