
Summary: It was great to advance our lessons. I sent our Class 03 video for review. We continued to speak about the Bridge attachment that everyone has a culture, and how living in a second country that is not our own changes us through our immigrant ex-pat community, communities of immigrants speaking our languages, and what changes us. And what productive cultures we borrow that are useful. We also reviewed our paragraph writing and successfully logged into freerice.com as a group, yeah! 

Essential questions: 

  • How does culture shape the way we see ourselves, others, and the world?
  • How does my culture shape me?
  • Why is it important to understand culture?

New Vocabulary: 

The Cultural Iceberg -Intercultural English

New Vocabulary: aptitude test, burst, turquoise, rituals, elective classes, advanced placement classes, snowplows

Attachments: Academic Essay Writing Survey, Bridges_Worksheet (2)_Everyone has a Culture.2

Homework due before Class 04: Sending by Sunday, August 30th is better, so I can check your work before class. We will made an essay about your previous academic writing based on the five paragraphs you have made. Please wait for me to email you feedback on your papers and you will also make and introduction and a conclusion to your essay for practice. 

Stacey Vye,
Aug 19, 2020, 1:14 AM
Stacey Vye,
Aug 26, 2020, 8:46 AM